About us

Flexible form tool for companies

Formtastic offers a flexible, user-friendly and GDPR-compliant form tool for companies in all industries. Our form designer supports Word and PDF export and offers maximum flexibility at fair prices.

Company headquarters: Munich, GDPR-compliant data storage in Germany.

Our Values

Fair prices-Fairer Preis
Fair price

Formtastic offers fair and transparent prices for everyone. Choose the right tariff – whether Basic or Professional for individual users or the Enterprise tariff with flexible licences for companies. Large companies benefit from our favourable flat rate and customised solutions.


With Formtastic, you actively contribute to sustainability. By digitising forms, you reduce paper consumption and strengthen your environmentally conscious corporate philosophy.


With Formtastic’s flexible Form Designer, you can create customised forms that are perfectly tailored to your individual requirements. You can design PDF documents however you like and use advanced features, such as intelligent field settings, to optimise your form. Our team will help you get the best out of your form design.

User friendly

Thanks to our user-friendly drag-and-drop Form Designer, you can create your customised online forms quickly and easily without any programming knowledge (no-code).

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Our story

In 2017, the journey began with a vision: to develop a cost-effective, versatile tool that enables the digital and mobile use of customised forms. The aim was to significantly reduce paper consumption in companies and save them time and money in the process. Since then, we have been working continuously on further developments at fair prices.

The steady growth of our customer base and the constant improvements to our product range culminated in the founding of Formtastic GmbH. In the same year, the long-awaited set value function was launched. A big thank you goes to our loyal customers for their invaluable feedback.

The web interface has been given a new, more attractive design. Functions can now be found more easily, making it easier for new users in particular to get started.

The Formtastic app for iOS and Android receives a major function and design update to support the many technical developments on mobile devices.

Multilingual forms now also allow the addition of any other languages. With this great feature, translations can be added manually in the Form Designer so that employees who speak other languages can easily fill out forms in their native language.

CEO Garbotz

Julian Garbotz
Founder / CEO

My 10 years of experience in the software sector and my personal interest in sustainability brought me together with the Formtastic team early on. I quickly recognised the potential and was happy to take over the management and responsibility in 2021. I enjoy being in direct contact with our customers, supporting them in setting up company-specific forms and coordinating technical developments with the Formtastic team.
