Email & export settings

In this third step you can specify whether an e-mail should be sent automatically after the form is sent, and if so with what text, what attachment (PDF / Word) and to whom.

1. Define email text

Fill in the desired text to define the Email subject and Body for your form template. Placeholders can also be used here, so that the text is generated dynamically depending on the input in the form. You can find the available placeholders via the link above the fields.

2. Define email recipients

There are 3 options available to determine the recipients, and these can also be combined with each other:

User who completed the form: If this is selected, an email will always be sent to the sending user’s account email address.

Address contained in this element: If in your form is either an input field of the type “Email” or a selection field with email addresses, this field can be selected here. This will (additionally) send an e-mail to the entered or selected address of this field.

Following addresses: Additional email addresses can be specified here. For example, a central email address of your company can be added here.

3. Define email attachment / create custom Word export template

In order to be able to set up an email attachment in Word or PDF format, a Word export template with the appropriate placeholders must be created and uploaded here. In addition, you then have the option of downloading your data as a PDF in the web interface. The advantage of this procedure is that you can freely design your Word export template according to your wishes, i.e. with headers and footers, tables, colours, images, etc. The placeholders can be used and formatted in Word as you wish.

To test the export with a default template, the “Use example template” function can be used.

A list of available placeholders can be downloaded via the example template. These placeholders can now be placed in the desired locations, with additional text and design freely customizable. You can also simply insert the placeholders as text into a Word file that may already exist in your company, in your company design (the format must be .docx, not .doc). Once you have created your custom Word template, it must be uploaded here.

How to create your Word export template

Download the example template using the button. All available placeholders of your form are listed there. The placeholders result from the field names you defined in step 1. In addition, the system placeholders are also listed there. Now change text and design according to your wishes and place the placeholders at the desired positions (also within tables).

Further details

1. Expandable group
A start and end placeholder must be set. The format then looks like this, for example:


Or as a table:




For each data set during filling another (table) row is added to the export document .

2. Size specifications for images
Image elements such as photos, drawings and signatures can be set to the desired size using the values in square brackets, e.g. #photo1#[120×80]. Pay attention here to the aspect ratio used by the camera to avoid distortions.

The file name of the email attachment can also be defined individually and with placeholders. Static names and dynamic placeholders can be used individually or in combination. The export file as PDF or Word is attached to the email when the form is sent. The PDF can also be downloaded from the web interface.

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