General settings of form templates

After defining the form elements in step 1, in the general settings in step 2 you can specify the form title and subtitle for the display in the form overview. If you do not specify anything here, default names will be used. So you can also adjust these settings later.

Static names and dynamic placeholders can each be used individually or in combination.

Example: Audit report from #form_create_date#

The placeholders are dynamically replaced by the respective saved values. A list of placeholders available for your template can be opened via the link above the fields.

For example, you can specify the entered customer name together with the creation date as the title or subtitle to have your forms clearly labelled in the form overview..

Document title: The subtitle that is displayed in the form overview in the app and in web interface when the form is saved or sent.

Document subtitle: The subtitle that is displayed in the form overview in the app and in web interface when the form is saved or sent.

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