Formtastic Documentation

Interfaces for data export and import

Formtastic offers several possibilities to export your saved form data. In addition, there is also an import function to import form data from Excel and process it in Formtastic.

1. Export in PDF/Word format

If the send function is used after filling out a form (either in the mobile app or in the web interface), an email with the specified content is automatically sent to the recipients specified in the template settings. This email can be freely designed including an attachment in PDF and/or Word format. The PDF or Word file contains the completed data and is generated and sent in your individual design according to the Word template in the export settings.

Alternatively, the PDF can be downloaded directly in the web interface without sending it by email. This way, the PDF can still be checked before it is sent.

For more information, see Email and export settings

2. SFTP server connection

The same PDF and/or Word that is sent as an email attachment (as described in the previous point) can be automatically saved on your server via FTP or SFTP. The settings for this are to be made in the template in step 2. This eliminates the need to manually file the PDF files from the email, which further reduces your workload.

For more information, see SFTP connection

3. Bundled data export incl. Excel file

With this function form data can be exported bundled from Formtastic. A ZIP file is created, in it are the following data:

  • Excel file: all form data are displayed line by line below each other. Your stored data can thus be further processed, imported into other systems (e.g. as CSV) or archived.
  • PDF/Word export files: all files generated during the emailing process
  • Media files: all photos, drawings or sound recordings contained in the forms

For more information, see Export forms

4. Encrypted retrieval as CSV file

To connect external systems to Formtastic, form data can be retrieved encrypted as CSV export directly via an individually generated URL with integrated access token (security check).

For more information, see Export forms

5. Form data import via Excel file

You can import data from Excel into Formtastic, so that these are available as already pre-filled forms and can then be further processed and sent. So if, for example, a form with already filled customer address data is to be assigned to an employee, an Excel file can be used to import the bundled form data set into the Formtastic system. The employee will find the so imported prepared forms in his inbox.

For more information, see Import forms
